Welcome to Kahalu'u United Methodist Church! Where we are part of building a community of peace and justice for over 85 years.

Take the time to explore our rich history, deep convictions, and how to be a part of it!


Meet the Pastor


Pastor Won-Seok Yuh has felt more at home in Hawai'i, remembering his younger years living in Honolulu.

After sensing God's call into ministry in the early 90's in Hawai'i, Pastor Won feels a return home to a call to serve in the Kahalu'u community, sharing hope, faith, and love in the living gospel of Jesus Christ.

Meet Our Staff

Kahalu'u UMC History

Members of Kahaluu United Methodist Church’s 
baseball team in 1944 include Sei Serikaku (back 
row, second from right) and Saburo Ige (second 
row, left).

Members of Kahaluu United Methodist Church’s
baseball team in 1944 include Sei Serikaku (back
row, second from right) and Saburo Ige (second
row, left).

Excerpt from Baseball Evangelism:


The Rev. Chinpei Peter Goto knew how to attract Japanese boys to his church through baseball. In 1909, Chinpei was baptized at the South King Methodist Church. He became a leader among the youth while employed in Honolulu. He was known as a baseball star and an excellent tennis player. But he also participated faithfully in evangelistic street preaching in the slums of Honolulu, in the Sunday school, and the Epworth League.

History ›

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